Monday, September 14, 2009

Wrecking Balm Removal for Tattoos!

Wrecking Balm Removal is not very fast! Wrecking Balm really does work, as does the other tattoo removal creams, but it is a slow process. I have seen time and time again people give up after 2-4 weeks and trash these products. They want miracles, and they do not get one.

You must understand that takes 3-6 weeks for a full cycle of wrecking balm removal. It takes an average of 4-6 months to see real results. The ink in the skin was put there to last, it does not come out easily.

Exactly how long, well, everyone is different. I like to remind people that laser removal, which is considered the best, takes 3-4 treatments and most doctors wait 6 weeks between treatments. When people realize this, they don't get so angry about the wrecking balm removal process. Wrecking balm does really work, but you will have to invest the time.

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